: Scandia, MN :
1. The next time your lawn mower calls it quits in the middle of the yard don't fix it.
2. Climb off -- even if all the machine needs is a little gas, just leave it right there. This is a simple but vital task: do not move the mower.
3. Borrow a lawn mower from a friend, and mow around the retired machine.
4. Reward yourself with a beer, a brandy-water, or both. Enjoy them while you read up on conceptual art, because in a few weeks you'll have your very own lawn installation worthy of MoMA, the Whitney, or my personal favorite, PS1.
I love love love it! Everything.
Suz, it's Leesh. For all the reasons shown here, I miss Wisco (who knew lawnmower "art" would be so ahead of its time)... and you.
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